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h2. Wireframe Templates See downloadable wireframe templates for OLE: [OLE Wireframe Templates] For use with spec teams in creating user interface designs - preferences for navigation, menus, lookups and selection lists. * Download URL:{link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}[]{link-window} ** Organization name: Kuali OLE ** Serial Key: Contact Core Team * Sample Design Patterns: {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}[]{link-window} h2. Transactional (Routable) E-doc Template See: [OLE-FS Transactional e-doc UI template|OLE:OLE-FS Transactional e-doc UI template] h2. KRAD/Rice InterfacePattern DesignLibrary Enhance OLE-FS interfaces with UXD and future KRAD (Rice 2.0) to create gateways to common library processes and workflows, predicated upon the completed functionality of federated Search across all document-types (i.e., "Search Executive"), and the to-be-developed ERMS and linked knowledge-bases like GoKB. Acquisitions and Describe requirements also need to be completed to identify intra-process, and common workflows. KRAD [Design Patterns |STUDENT:Design Patterns]provide some sample UI's used for Kuali Student\! (i) {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}{*}Kuali Student User Interaction Model{*}{link-window} {gallery} (Link: [Kuali Student/KRAD design components|STUDENT:Design Components] detailed overviews.) |
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