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{composition-setup} {deck:id=Kuali OLE} {card:label=Overview} *Kuali Open Library Environment* is an open source enterprise software solution to fulfill libraries needs in terms of financial and content management. Financial management is implemented using the already developed *[Kuali Financial System|]* which is bundled within OLE. Content management has been implemented using the Apache Jackrabbit and Apache Solr technologies, details of which can be found in subsequent sections or tabs on this main page. KOLE is a mix of ant style and maven style applications. There is a maven wrapper for the [ant|] part of the project (KFS) and so one can build the whole application using few maven commands. {gliffy:name=OLE|align=left|size=L|version=1} {card} \\ {card:label = Continuous Integration} {info}Continuous Integration (CI) is vital for any project as it ensures detection of issues with the code in a timely manner and also validity of a build. OLE follows a CI process as described below.{info} # h4. Daily Builds (Dev Environment) {info}OLE code base ([]) is built everyday and deployed to the development environment. The build process is a fully automated maven process that includes the following; {info} ## Code gets built at 12:30PM EST every day (CI job - []) ## Database is reset i.e. the schemas are completely wiped out and recreated again ### OLEFS - The OLEFS schama is refreshed from OLEDBA ### Rice2 - The Rice2 database is reset based on the ole-oracle-rice.sql file which contains the ddl for rice2 tables in OLE ### Docstore - The docstore schema is wiped out completely ## The war and jar files are built and uploaded to the following repository ([]). The value of this approach is that in case a specific build has to be deployed at any given point, we can pick the particular build (war) and deploy it ad hoc. ## The war files gets deployed to the different application servers in the dev environment. # h4. Test Release Builds (Test Environment) ## Test builds are deployed on an iterative basis (2 weeks sprints) to the test environment. Spring schedule can be found at [] ## This process is fully automated and a member of the configuration management pool takes care of it. At the moment the process currently is to notify Jeff Cadel <>/Paula Sisson <> who then take care of pushing the appropriate build to the test environment. # h4. Unit Tests {info}OLE is a combination of ant and maven style applications/modules, so we dont have a common framework to run all tests in the project. For OLEFS, we use Jenkins and for Rice2/Docstore applications we use Sonar for tests and reporting.{info} ## Jenkins - The unit test jobs and the latest status for OLEFS can be found at []. ## Sonar - The unit test reports for Rice2/Docstore can be found at [] # h4. [CI Jobs|] # h4. [Environment Details|] {card} {card:label = OLE Release Documentation} {card}\\ {card:label = Developer's Guide} {card} {card:label = OLE Installation} {info} OLE currently comprises of three applications (war files) that have to be deployed individually. These are the olefs.war, rice2.war and the docstore.war.{info} # h4. Check out the codebase ## Trunk location: [] # h4. Building Artifacts ## Run the following from the root of the folder where the project was checked out {noformat} mvn clean install -DskipTests=true {noformat} ## Copy the following artifacts and place it in the webapps directory of your tomcat installation folder ### {noformat} ole/target/ole-fs-[particular iteration value]-webapp.war {noformat} ### {noformat} ole-rice2/ole-rice-webapp/target/ole-rice-webapp-[particular iteration value].war {noformat} ### {noformat} ole-docstore/ole-docstore-webapp/target/oledocstore.war {noformat} # h4. Setting up the Database ## ole - navigate to the ole folder under the root of the project and run the following command {noformat} mvn clean initializeinstall -Pdb {noformat} ## ole-rice2 - navigate to the ole-rice2/ole-rice-db folder under the project and run the following command {noformat} mvn clean install -Pdb,mysql {noformat} ## ole-docstore - The database schema and appropriate tables gets created when the docstore application starts up as apache jackrabbit manages the setup. {card} {card:label = OLE System Architecture} {card} |
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