- Patron Manager – full permissions over patron and borrower type
- Full Circulation Attendent – view and edit patron document, view borrower type
- Limited Circulation Attendent – view patron document, no access to borrower type
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
- Create
- Edit
- View(Inquiry)
- Approve
Borrower Type:
- Create
- Edit
- View(Inquiry)
b. Participants:
- ole_krim_role_t.csv (Defining roles such as Patron, Borrower type etc)
- ole_krim_perm_t.csv (Define permissions)
- ole_krim_role_perm_t.csv (Define role/permissions mapping i.e for a particular role following permissions...)
- ole_krim_role_mbr_t.csv (for the particular role who are the people ie. Patron - OLE-Jon-Doe)