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Create a file called OLE_Rice2-config.xml under "user.home"/kuali/main/dev/. Alternatively you can copy it from the additionalfiles folder within the codebase. Create a file called rice.keystore files under "user.home"/kuali/main/dev. Alternatively copy the rice.keystore file as well from the additionalfiles folder within the project codebase and place it under "user.home"/kuali/main/dev. |
2. DB Setup
The project comes with a folder called helper files. You will need to run the following command to import the provided dataset. mysql -u username -p password database_name < filename.sql. In order to run this project you will need to import baseline_rice_ole.sql
b. Setup database from Rice trunk
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If you don't have the OLE_Rice2-config.xml (which would have had the username/password) the default username/password is rice/rice |
1. Download the db folder from the rice trunk from the following location: rice-db-trunk (https://svn.kuali.org/repos/rice/trunk/db)
2. Navigate to the rice/db/impex/master folder
3. run the following command: mvn validate -Pdb,mysql -Dimpex.dba.password=[password]
4. run the following command: mvn clean install -Pdb,mysql -Dimpex.dba.password=[password]
MYSQL- In order to get a local database setup with rice and ole tables the following maven command has to be executed;
3. Clear your .m2/repository/org/kuali/rice Folder