
  • New schemas have been introduced:
    • The OLE Instance schema is loosely based on the MARC Format for Holdings Data (MFHD). OLE Instance documents are used to identify and describe library resources locally owned/licensed by libraries and as such contain unique information that can not be captured in Bibliographic documents that may be used/shared by multiple libraries.
    • ONIX-PL, a standard used to describe and transmit licensing information for electronic resources, will be utilized as the central schema for storing data within Kuali OLE's licensing module.
  • KFS has been upgraded...
  • With the onset of Rice 2.0, KRAD and KRMS features have been incorporated into part of OLE.
    • KRAD provides the user interface OLE needs for inquiries and lookups, transactional and maintenance documents.
    • KRMS provides OLE the opportunity to build its own flexible and easily managed business rule system.
  • Code refactoring corrects the mistakes made during the 0.3 Milestone Release and keeps the OLE system better maintained.
    The Service Registry contains information about all services that have been registered from OLE to the services bus (KSB), designed to allow developers to quickly develop and deploy services for remote and local consumption.
  • KFS PURAP upgrade has been postponed...

Please also see the OLE 0.6 Milestone User Documentation to test run the demo, read through the Drivers Manual, and learn more about the O.6 release.


Code refactoring also brings us other benefits, which will benefit the future OLE/KFS upgrades on Rice 2.0: It can reduce the problems that may occur during the upgrades.


Services Registries

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