- Open command prompt and go to the folder: % DOCSTORE_PROJ %
Run "mvn clean install", it may fail for DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ & DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ. But ignore the failure for now.
- Open command prompt and go to the folder: % DISCOVERY_CORE_PROJ %
Run "mvn clean install".
- Open command prompt and go to the folder :%DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%
Run "mvn clean install".
- Open command prompt and go to the folder: %DISCOVERY_WEBAPP_PROJ%
Run "mvn package".
- It creates ole-discovery-webapp.war in %DISCOVERY_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target directory. Rename it to ole-discovery. war
- Open command prompt and go to the folder: %DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ%
Run "mvn package".