Copy the following sample data files to the folder specified by the property local.bibliographic.bibliographic.marc (only this property) in the file %DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%\src\main\resources\org\kuali\ole\directory-path.properties. This property should be changed to meet the local users system file structure. (e.g. /ole-test-data/bulkingest). Create this folder if it does not exist.
- %DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%src\test\resources\org\kuali\ole\bulkIngest\files\bulkIngest-Work-Bib-Marc-20.xmlxml --- This is a sample test data file
- %DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%src\test\resources\org\kuali\ole\bulkIngest\files\bulkIngest-Work-Inst-OleML-20.xmlxml --- This is a sample test data file
Copy the first file (Bib data) to the destination folder specified in the property file by the property local.bibliographic.bibliographic.marc.
After the first file is ingested copy the second file (Instance data).
Open a browser.
Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/bulkIngest.jsp
Click on 'Submit' button to run the bulk ingest. Need to click only once.
To verify that the data is stored in DocStore, go to URL