Versions Compared


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  1. For OLE Instance elements that parallel MFHD fields/subfields - update <documentation> tags that were copied from the Library of Congress MFHD website:
    1. Remove references to MFHD fields and subfields and instead refer to related OLE instance elements.
  2. Make structural changes: e.g., change some global elements to complexTypes or imbed them within the holdings / item sections so there are only 2 root elements (<instance> and <instanceCollection>.
  3. Where needed, re-sequence and/or regroup elements to better match the parallel MFHD structure.
  4. Remove <enumeration values> for a variety of elements and designate the "type" as "codeOrIdentifier" so local implementers can choose data values from locally controlled "maintenance documents"/"code lists".
  5. Apply data lengths to some elements to better ensure that OLE Instance descriptions can be exported to the MFHD format as needed and stay within the character length limit of a MFHD record.[1|#_ftn1]
  6. Create separate schemas for individual modules of data to allow for easier updates and efficient maintainability, e.g., a separate schema for location that can be "included" within or "imported" to the OLE Instance schema.
  7. Determine usefulness of <linkage> and <fieldLinkAndSequenceNumber> and update schema appropriately.
  8. Determine usefulness of <alternateGraphicRepresentation> - if it is retained, will need to add a <linkage> subelement.
  9. Determine how to identify of "owners" of OLE Instance documents.
  10. Determine how to identify "circulation" locations.
  11. Final analysis and determination of status information – what types of statuses are needed – acquisitions, cataloging, circulation?  How are the statuses generated? What should status data values be?  Where should the status attributes be stored – the Docstore or OLE relational database management systems.
