This article covers how to execute and document the results of your tests in the OLETS Jira project. In some cases, the results you need to document will depend upon which of two testing methods you employ.
"User Testing" is the most common testing method, and refers to the process of testing an issue by hand, linking it to the appropriate OLE issues, and recording a Selenium script.
"Selenium Testing" is generally only used for Bug/Defect issues, and involves selecting a pre-populated OLETS Test Case and executing the pre-recorded Selenium script to determine success or failure.
Comments are where you will want to document any feedback you have to give on a particular Test Case. If, for example, you feel that a Test Case should pass because it does accomplish exactly what the Acceptance Criteria acceptance criteria specified, but you feel that it does not do so in a particularly satisfactory way, we really want to hear your insights on the matter. Kuali software is meant to be designed by the users, and we want to craft the application so that it can be used efficiently and effectively.