1. Sprint Release
Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)
1) OLE-8715
Added system parameter AUTO_CLOSE_PO_ORDER_TYPE.
Updated the view PUR_PO_V
2) OLE-8779
Added default value 0 to the columns CRDT_ISSUED,CRDT_REMAINING in table OLE_DLVR_PTRN_BILL_T
Added default value 0 to the columns CRDT_ISSUED,CRDT_REMAINING in table OLE_DLVR_PTRN_BILL_FEE_TYP_T
System parameters:
1) OLE-8715
Added system parameter AUTO_CLOSE_PO_ORDER_TYPE.
Worflow xml change: Needs to be ingested via the Admin Screen (XML Import)
S.No. | Component/s | Key | Summary | Priority | Issue Type | Labels | Comments |
1 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8045 | Deduplication on batch po loads not working | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
2 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8523 | Maladjustment of account percentages when adding PO with multiple accounts to an invoice | Critical | Bug/Defect | ||
3 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8715 | Paid POs Not Being Selected for Closing | Critical | Bug/Defect | ||
4 | Describe | OLE-8730 | Batch process new framework: delete/replace e-holdings does not delete existing e-holdings | Major | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
5 | Describe | OLE-8735 | New Batch Process Cannot map donor code to eholdings record | Major | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
6 | Describe | OLE-8739 | New batch process: Jobs Quick Launch option prepopulates with last file loaded | Major | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
7 | Describe | OLE-8767 | Last Execution Status not updating in Jobs list | Major | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
8 | Configuration Management | OLE-8769 | OLE Feedback Link | Critical | Task | ||
9 | Deliver | OLE-8775 | Clicking on overdue/replacement bill on return screen creates incident report | Blocker | Bug/Defect | ||
10 | Describe | OLE-8777 | New Bib Record Not Indexed After Overlay in New Batch Process | Blocker | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
11 | Deliver | OLE-8778 | Requestors Names not Displaying | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
12 | Deliver | OLE-8779 | Clicking on View Bill - Patron Bill in Patron Search causes stack trace | Blocker | Bug/Defect | ||
13 | Describe | OLE-8780 | New Batch Import: Cannot map statistical code to eholdings | Major | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
14 | Describe, Select & Acquire | OLE-8791 | New batch process profile search results | Minor | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
15 | Deliver | OLE-8216 | Default due time should be end of day on due date | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
16 | Deliver | OLE-8602 | Due date for hourly loan calculated incorrectly | Blocker | Bug/Defect | Drools | |
17 | Deliver, Describe | OLE-8518 | Migration process for new shelving order key | Major | Bug/Defect |