Wiki Markup |
{deck:id=Kuali OLE}\\
Borrower bill payment process describes the features/functions for creating borrower bills and accepting payment from borrowers. An exhaustive overview of the process is available in JIRA under the ticket [OLE-3297|]
{card:label = Workflow}
{card:label = Use cases}
| {color:#000000}{*}S.No{*}{color} | {color:#000000}{*}Description{*}{color} |
| {color:#000000}1{color} | {color:#000000}Overdue fine to patron during checkin{color} |
| {color:#000000}2{color} | {color:#000000}Cancels the Overdue fine bill{color} |
| {color:#000000}3{color} | {color:#000000}View bills from either an item record{color} |
| {color:#000000}4{color} | {color:#000000}View bills from either an patron record{color} |
| {color:#000000}5{color} | {color:#000000}Batch program for Replacement Fee Patron Bill{color} |
| {color:#000000}6{color} | {color:#000000}Manually creating a patron bill{color} |
| {color:#000000}7{color} | {color:#000000}Create bill link in patron record{color} |
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{card:label = Class Diagram} !Patron-Bill-CD.jpg|thumbnail,border=1!
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