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OLE Instance Data Elements Detailed
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Instance Collections Contain:
OLE Instance documents are used to identify and describe library resources locally owned/licensed by libraries. They are loosely based on the MARC Format for Holdings Data (MFHD) and represents core elements that must be included when describing holdings and items.
Some business rules for the OLE Instance:
- 1 Bibliographic Description must have at least 1 OLE Instance Collection.
- 1 Bibliographic Description may have more than 1 OLE Instance Collection.
- 1 Instance Collection must have at least 1 Instance Record.
- 1 Instance Collection may have more than 1 Instance Record.
- 1 Instance must contain 1 oleHolding or 1 sourceHolding.
- 1 Instance must have at least 1 item.
- 1 Instance may have more than 1 item.
For more high level business rules, see OLE Instance Schema
Note |
We should review the business rules from 0.6. If they're still up to date, we should move them to https://wiki.kuali.org/display/OLE/OLE+Instance+Document-V9.1 |
Instance Collection
instanceCollection |
instance | 1 or more instance records |