
instance: The instance captures holdings and item information. Holdings can be recorded in either the general holdings section or specific holdings format in the sourceHoldings section. The flag "primary" on either holdings or the sourceHoldings tag indicates which holdings is being used. OLE will support MFHD and any other specific holdings format will need to be accounted for and implemented by the individual institutions. At any given time, either the general holdings or the sourceHoldings can be in use. The item information is also recorded and also maps to fields in the MFHD record. OLE will provide the conversion if an institution is using MFHD, bearing in mind that in such an event the location will only be limited to 3 levels.
instanceIdentifier: Unique system assigned identifier for the instance document.
resourceIdentifier: Bibliographic identifier from 001 in the marc record in OLE
formerResourceIdentifier: These are Identifiers from the legacy system for the bibliographic records that are stored in the 035 of the Marc record. Non-Editable that gets used at the time of linking bib records and instance records.
oleHoldings: General holdings information for institutions not using specific source holdings

sourceHoldings: Specific holdings format
items: Collection of Items.
extension: Element borrowed from/maps to MODS extension element. It may be used for elements that are local to the creators of the Instance documents. In addition, it may be used to extend the Instance schema for various purposes when another XML schema may handle the type of information.


oleHoldings: This section can be used to record general holdings information if not using a specific source holdings.
holdingsIdentifier: This is system generate unique ID.
extentOfOwnership: (R) This is a free txt for summary holdings (textual) for institutions not using source holdings. It will be mapped to MFHD 866$a with ind1 being blank and ind2 = 0 if converted to the source MFHD.
receiptStatus: MFHD field 008@position 06. List of allowed values are: 0 - Unknown 1 - Other receipt or acquisition status 2 - Received and complete or ceased 3 - On order 4 - Currently received 5 - Not currently received
uri: This is to indicate the universal resource identifier. Maps to 856$u. This could also be the one recorded in the bib record.
note: This indicates public or non-public
location: Global location specific information that is inherited/used by linked items. This information is not copied for each item. This also has information on the various location levels.
extension: Element borrowed from/maps to MODS extension element. It may be used for elements that are local to the creators of the Instance documents. In addition, it may be used to extend the Instance schema for various purposes when another XML schema may handle the type of information.
callNumber: To be filled
