Wiki Markup |
Kuali OLE is made up of numerous functional and leadership teams, as well as its OLE Board. Below are some links to some of these team or group KIS pages, with linked [Calendars|], group distribution emails, lists of team members, and links to team resources and documentation.
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"><STRONG>Kuali OLE Board & Members</STRONG></A>{html}
To learn more about any team or its activities, visit its team page, or visit [|]. See also complete list of [functional specification teams and resources|].
* *[OLE Board Team page|]*
* *[Functional Council Team|]*
* *[Technical Council Team|]*
* *[Core team|]*
* *[User Stories Team|]*
* *[Data Modeling Team|]*
* *[Workflows Team|]*
* *[Communication Team|]*
* *[Development Team|]*
|| Team Name || Library Function || Team KIS Page || Link to Google Docs ||
| OLE Accounts | Distribution list only | {html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank">OLE Accounts</A>{html} | |
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| User Stories | User Stories | {html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank">Team User Stories</A>{html} | {html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank">User Stories Google Docs</A>{html} |
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