S.No | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6308 | Stack traces when changing number of results on Workbench search | Critical | Describe |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6317 | Bulk indexer failed to index some holdings and item data | Critical | Describe |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6228 | Search Workbench: Stacktrace with "Next" when paging through search results | Critical | Describe |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6261 | Search Framework Configuration - Changing page size ineffective | Critical | Describe |
5 | Enhancement | OLE-6291 | On submit of Item, display all errors of missing required data at the same time | Major | Describe |
6 | Enhancement | OLE-6288 | Bound-withs: Rename "Bibliographic record details" screen to "Bound-With Summary" | Major | Describe |
7 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6204 | Analytics: Stacktrace when breaking analytics relationship | Major | Describe |
8 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6283 | Bound-with: OLE should only allow one record to be copied to Tree 1 | Major | Describe |
9 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6191 | Analytics: "SH" sometimes not showing in left navigation pane in Search Workbench for Analytics | Major | Describe |
10 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6059 | Global Edit: Close button reduces search result list | Major | Describe |
11 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6189 | Analytics: Relationship "AI" not displaying when searching holdings in Search Workbench | Major | Describe |
12 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6160 | Search Workbench results list adds Journal Title column for monographs | Major | Describe |
13 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6281 | "Next" button not working in bound-with's or analytics | Major | Describe |
14 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6050 | Title Browse does not ignore punctuation | Major | Describe |
15 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6282 | Bound-with: Should not be able to copy the same record(s) to Tree 1 and Tree 2 | Major | Describe |
16 | Bug/Defect | OLE-5829 | stacktrace errors when screen idle "too lon" | Major | Describe |
17 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6152 | Search Workbench Enter Key Action | Major | Describe |
18 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6119 | Overlaid bib record gives wrong user, status change | Major | Describe |
19 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6122 | Call Number Browse Link on Describe Tab Going Away?? | Major | Describe |
20 | Bug/Defect | OLE-5455 | Bib 006 menu boxes flash | Trivial | Describe |
S.No | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Enhancement | OLE-5176 | OLE Feedback Link | Minor | Configuration Management |
2 | Enhancement | OLE-6271 | Search Framework configuration: JournalTitle_Display under Bibliographic MARC configuration does not make sense | Major | Describe, System Integration |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6144 | Search Framework configuration: field "LocationLevel_search" should be "Location_search" | Major | Describe, System Integration |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-5298 | Bib Import Profile throws stack trace if try to save after running Batch Process | Major | Describe, Select & Acquire |