Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Sprint Release

  • 2.1 - Sprint 3
  • Release date – December 25, 2015

2. Commit Id

  • Commit Id - b427403

3.  Deliverables

Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)


          Added system parameter TEMPORARY_HISTORY_RECORD_DAYS

Manually run the following as it was missed in the sql generation process:


INSERT INTO KRCR_PARM_T (NMSPC_CD, CMPNT_CD, PARM_NM, OBJ_ID, VER_NBR, PARM_TYP_CD, VAL, PARM_DESC_TXT, EVAL_OPRTR_CD, APPL_ID) VALUES ('OLE-DLVR', 'Deliver', 'TEMPORARY_HISTORY_RECORD_DAYS', 'OLE7047', '1', 'CONFG', '10', 'This parameter value is used to specify the days to determine the temporary history records to be retained after check-in.', 'A', 'OLE')


INSERT INTO KRCR_PARM_T (NMSPC_CD, CMPNT_CD, PARM_NM, OBJ_ID, VER_NBR, PARM_TYP_CD, VAL, PARM_DESC_TXT, EVAL_OPRTR_CD, APPL_ID) VALUES ('OLE-DLVR', 'Deliver', 'TEMPORARY_HISTORY_RECORD_DAYS', 'OLE7047', '1', 'CONFG', '10', 'This parameter value is used to specify the days to determine the temporary history records to be retained after check-in.', 'A', 'OLE')

Worflow xml change:


4. Jiras
