OLE is now working on dual release development. Summary of efforts: - 1.6.1 2 is available. You may test it at http://demo.ole.kuali.org/portal.do. Download the code from https://www.kuali.org/download/ole1.6.2 will take care of critical bugs discovered at implemented sites. This will be the last release for 1.6.Drools will replace KRMS in the 1.6
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2 release for circulation rules: check-out, renewals, check-in & request process. 2.0 development is nearly complete. Developers are working on the backlog of bug tickets. UI customizations contributed by the University of Chicago are to be incorporated into 2.0QA review continues.
2.1 has been prioritized and in process.
- 3.0's roadmap is available at https://www.kuali.org/ole/roadmap.
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