- Open command prompt and go to the folder: %DOCSTORE_PROJ%
Run "mvn “mvn clean install"install”.
It creates documentstore-webapp.war in %DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target directory.
- Open command prompt and go to the folder: % DISCOVERY_PROJ %
Run "mvn “mvn clean install"install”.
It creates ole-discovery-webapp.war in %DISCOVERY_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target directory.
Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/bulkIngest.jsp
Click on 'Submit' ‘Submit’ button to run the bulk ingest. Need to click only once.
Click 'Refresh Summary' ‘Refresh Summary’ button in the Summary tab.
Click 'Refresh' ‘Refresh’ button in the Summary tab.
Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstoreand click on "Ingest “Ingest String Content" Content” tab.
Copy the sample xml provided in the screen.
- ole.docstoreapp.url=http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/document
- ole.discovery.app.url=http://localhost:8080/ole-discovery/
Copy the file 'olebibeditor‘olebibeditor.properties' properties’ provided along with this document in to your %USER_HOME% directory.
Click on 'Search' ‘Search’ button.