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| Overview of OLE Search:As OLE grows to include more document types (patrons, bibliographic formats, licenses, etc.), OLE will create integrated Search capabilities, where the search functions will provide inter-operability instead of some of the localized wildcards, limits on bibliographic fields, or other search-specific criteria below. Library users will be included in future testing and development of OLE Search, building upon our emerging search types for - Document Store Search – full Bibliographic searching
- Indexes, Facets, Sort, Boolean
- Acquisitions Search
- Order Holding Queue
- Receiving Queue
- Fund/ Balance Inquiries
- Load Reports
KFS inherited transactional Searches (no Bibliographic fields, only transactional- vendor, dates, etc.) - Payment Request
- Purchase Orders
- Requisition
- Receiving
Other search functions available in OLE - Lookups
- Lookup icon
- Custom Document Searches
- Doc Search button
- Saving Custom (Session) Searches
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DocStore Search
1. Indexed Data
| Data fields for search (MV- indicates multi-valued)
| Data fields for short display
| Data fields for detailed display
| Data fields for Facet
| 022 - a,z (MV) | first value | all values | same as search field |
ISBN | 020 - a,z (MV) | first value
| all values
| same as search field |
| For each 100, 110: every subf except $6 (gives us 2 values for every tag). Also every subf except $t and $6 for: 111, 700, 710, 711, 800, 810, 811, 400, 410, 411) Ref: 100 - Main Entry - Personal Name (NR) 110 - Main Entry - Corporate Name (NR) 111 - Main Entry - Meeting Name (NR) 700 - Added Entry - Personal Name (R) 710 - Added Entry - Corporate Name (R) 711 - Added Entry - Meeting Name (R) 800 - Series Added Entry - Personal Name (R) 810 - Series Added Entry - Corporate Name (R) 811 - Series Added Entry -Meeting Name (R) 400 - Series Statement/Added Entry - Personal Name(R) 410 - Series Statement/Added Entry - Corporate Name(R) 411 - Series Statement/Added Entry - Meeting Name(R) | first non-empty value of 100$a or 110$a. Show blank if both are missing.
| All non-empty indexed values | All non-empty indexed values |
Title | 245 - all subf exc. c and 6. Also, 130, 240, 246, 247, 440, 490, 730, 740, 773, 774, 780, 785, 830, 840) (MV) | 245$a and 245$b | all values | |
Place of Publication | 260 - a (MV) | first value | all values | same as search field |
Description | 505 - a (MV) KG/LR: UPenn just included the MARC 505 in its Description index (which is distinct from its Format/Description index). Include just 505 $a. The SMEs may want additional 5xx fields in the Description index, but 505 should be fine for November. | first value | all values | same as search field |
Subject | 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 653, 69X: every subf exc. $6, $2, $=, $? across these tags
600 - Subject Added Entry - Personal Name (R) 610 - Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name (R) 611 - Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name (R) 630 - Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title (R) 650 - Subject - Added Entry - Topical Term (R) 651 - Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name (R) Ref : | first non-empty value of 600, 610, 611, 650, 651, 653, 69X .
No hyphens for X00, X10, and X11 fields 600, 610, 611, etc), but hyphens for other fields.
Punctuation: Follow punctuation and order given in subfields: 600, 610,611 (space between subfields) subfield subfield
Sample data: 600(subject - AuthorName) : Kangxi,|cEmperor of China,|d1654-1722. Facet/display: kangxi,Emperor of China, 1654-1722.
Use double hyphen for subdivisions: 630 follow punctuation in fields, mainly using Periods between subfield value, except $v, $x, $y, $z are "subdivisions" and use double - hyphen paired with another subfield
Sample data: 630(Standard title subject) : Bible.|pN.T.|pLuke|xCommentaries. Facet/display: Bible.N.T.Luke -- Commentaries.
Use double - hyphen for all subfields: 650, 651 (double - hyphens between subfields) -- subfield -- subfield (period on end).
Sample data: 650(subject-general): Gardens|xSocial aspects|zChina|zBeijing|xHistory|y18th century. Facet/display: Gardens-Social aspectsChinaBeijingHistory-18th century.
| All non-empty indexed values.
Ordering of multiple values: Ordering of subject headings in display of individual bib record should be in order of xml.
| All non-empty indexed values.
Hyphening pattern is same as display fields.
650(subject-general): Gardens|xSocial aspects|zChina| zBeijing|xHistory| y18th century. Facet/display: Gardens--Socialaspects -ChinaBeijing- History--18th century.
Additional facets to be indexed: 1. Gardens - -Social aspects 2. Gardens - -Social aspects - -China 3. Gardens - -Social aspects - -China - -Beijing 4. Gardens - -Social aspects - -China - -Beijing - -History
Date of Publication | <marc:controlfield tag="008">[Date 1 in the 7-10 positions LR: Can also include 260 $c. (260-c is same as the value in control field. Use this if control field does not have pub date value.) (MV).
Some records with 260 $c are having data other than date and data with no proper date.So for now 260 $c is ignored for publication date.
| first value | all values | same as search field.
Keep decades, but add centuries and "current year" <controlfield tag="008">010108q10001999dcu b f000 0 eng d</controlfield> The above example 1000-1999 means it should appear with every facet 1000s,1100s, etc and every decade in 1000-1999. Eliminate "odd" facets- don't want "s", "0000s", or any years beyond the current year(manual removal 2020s and 9990s. Only want single decades and single centuries. <controlfield tag="008">001214k08000999xx zzz a n lat d</controlfield>.
Eg: Two records with publication dates as 1905 and 1913. The facets will be computed as: 20th century (2)-- 1900 to 1999. 1900s (1)-- 1900 to 1909. 1910s (1) – 1910 to 1919.
Edition | 250 - a,b (MV) | first value | all values | same as search field |
Form/Genre | 655 - a, v (MV) | first value | all values | same as search field |
| <marc:controlfield tag="008">[language code in the 35-37 positions]</marc:controlfield> LR: Add 546 $a (MV) Language Codes (iso-639-3)
| all values | all values | same as search field |
Format | 856 - q 245 - h
LR: Format is very tricky b/c many MARC fields/subfields can be used to determine format.
I think we could also consider adding the following:
Leader 06/07 – these are Type of Record and Bibliographic Material – each is a single letter characters and when combined, they seem to map to the UPenn bib_format field. (See the worksheet now named Format – marc) 007 Physical Description Fixed Field-General Information – the character positions indicate physical format information. See [ ] 655 $a, $v (Genre/Form) 300 $e, $3 (Extent: Accompanying Material, Materials specified) 337 $a (Media Type) 338 $a (Carrier Type) 340 $a, $e, $m, $3 (Physical Medium: Material base, support, book format, materials specified) Possibly other 3XX fields/subfields.
In the end, we may want to just touch base with some SMEs (Gwyneth? Bob? Stuart) to determine specifically what we could/should include) (MV) | first value | all values | same as search field |
Synonyms are specified in a text file named 'synonyms‘synonyms.txt'txt’
The following are currently defined in this file.
- All of these search selection searches for the words in the order they are entered.
- As a phrase search selection does not search for the words in the order they appear.
- Special characters such as '‘&' ’ and '‘:' ’ are searchable only if part of a longer phrase and the entire phrase is wrapped in quotation marks. (If the quotation marks are left off, no hits will be returned.)
- Wildcards (*, ?, #, !, []) do not function.
The remaining facets are seen by clicking the "more" “more” link in a popup window.
The facet values in the popup are shown in alphabetical order.
Title (A-Z) : sorts the results in the ascending order (starts with 'a'‘a’) of the title field value. This the default sorting order.
Title (Z-A) :sorts the results in the descending order (starts with 'z'‘z’) of the title field value.
Author (A-Z) :sorts the results in the ascending order (starts with 'a'‘a’) of the author field value.
Author (Z-A) : sorts the results in the descending order (starts with 'a'‘a’) of the author field value.
Pub date(new-old) : sorts the results in the descending order of the publication date field value.
Pub date(old-new) : sorts the results in the ascending order of the publication date field value.
Relevance : it is default sort criteria provided by solr.
Names of fields used for indexing/searching are suffixed with "“_search"search”.
Names of fields used for display are suffixed with "“_display"display”.
Names of fields used for facets are suffixed with "“_facet"facet”.
Names of fields used for sorting are suffixed with "“_sort"sort”.
Field Info/Attributes
Field Attribute
| Purpose
| Example
| Unique identifier of a field with a given [category, type, format] | id="ISBN_search" |
| Name of the field suitable for display | name="ISBN" |
| Indicates the type of value of the field (informative purpose only) | type="text" |