Bold, italicized properties are very important and most likely must be changed from their defaults during installation.
Bold properties are likely to need modification during implementation.
All property files listed below are in build/properties within the OLE project.
Category | Property | Default | Notes |
URLs |
| appserver.url | tells the build what the base URL is for the application server in which the application will be deployed | |
| application.url | ${appserver.url}${}-${build.environment} | the base url of the application |
| http.url | localhost:8080/{}-${build.environment} | the base url of the application for use by the KSB service publishing |
| rice.url | ${application.url}/${rice.application} | the base url for the rice struts module. If you are using a standalone Rice server, this must be changed. |
| cas.url | ${appserver.url}/cas | the base url for your CAS 3 server |
| externalizable.static.content.url | ${application.url}/static | the base url for static content like images and help that could reside within the application or be maintained by other group(s) on other server(s) |
| | ${externalizable.static.content.url}/help/ | the base url for help content |
| externalizable.images.url | ${externalizable.static.content.url}/images/ | the base url for images that can reside outside the application |
| rice.externalizable.images.url | ${application.url}/${rice.application}/static/images/ | the base url for rice images that can reside outside the application |
| externalizable.xml.url | ${externalizable.static.content.url}/xml/ | the base url for xml (xsd, xsl, etc.) related files that can reside outside the application |
Database |
| datasource.ojb.platform | Oracle9i | used by the build to configure OJB and determine the appropriate driver and KualiDBPlatform implementations to use |
| oracle.datasource.url | jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE | JDBC URL that will be used by the application, if the |
| mysql.datasource.url | jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/${datasource.username} | JDBC URL that will be used by the application, if the |
| datasource.username |
| account that the application should use to access the database |
| datasource.password |
| password for the application database account |
| datasource.pool.size | 50 | number of connections the server can keep open with the database at once |
| ojb.persistencebroker.pool.maxactive | ${datasource.pool.size} | The maximum number of connections the persistence broker pool will handle. |
| datasource.maximum.cached.preparedstatements | 25 | specify the number of prepared statements cached per connection |
| datasource.connection.timeout | 100000 | used in datasource connections to close once they have been inactive for a period of time |
| transaction.timeout | ${datasource.connection.timeout} | used in datasource configuration to force transactions to timeout after they've run too long |
| datasource.validating.query | select 1 from dual | Query used to test the connection to the database. |
Directories |
| | /java | base directory during the build process to locate supporting files not in the OLE project (see below) |
| tomcat.version | 5 | Changes the defaults for the appserver lib directory location, since there is a structural change between the versions. |
| appserver.home | ${basedir}/build/tomcat | determines where the build will look for your application server |
| | ${}/opt | the base directory for external configuration files and work directories |
| | ${}/drivers | determines where the build will look for your database drivers |
| appserver.lib.dir | ${appserver.home}/common/lib |
| appserver.classes.dir | ${appserver.home}/common/classes |
| appserver.deploy.dir | ${appserver.home}/webapps |
| appserver.config.dir | ${appserver.home}/conf |
| appserver.localhost.dir | ${appserver.config.dir}/Catalina/localhost |
| | ${appserver.home}/work/Catalina/localhost |
| | ${}/sa_forms/java | the directory where secure application property files are located (application server user must have read access) |
| | ${}/j2ee | the directory that contains the non-secure property files that are nonetheless external to the deployed application (application server user must have read access) |
| | ${}/logs | the directory for the log files output by the application (application server user must have write access) |
| | ${}/${build.environment}/${} | the directory where secure application property files for a specific environment are located (application server user must have read access) |
| | ${}/${build.environment}/${} | the directory that contains the non-secure property files for a specific environment that are nonetheless external to the deployed application (application server user must have read access) |
| | ${}/${build.environment}/${} | the directory for the log files output by the application (application server user must have write access) |
| | ${}/work/${build.environment}/${} | the base working directory that is external to the application (used for storage of attachments, batch input files, and generated reports - application server user must have read/write access to all subdirectories) |
| | ${}/attachments | the base working directory for storage of note-associated attachments that are uploaded by users |
| | ${} | the directory where attachments uploaded through the workflow ui are stored |
| | ${}/staging | the base working directory for storage of batch input files |
| | ${}/reports | the base working directory for oltp and batch report generation |
| | ${}/${security.file} | the single secure property file currently used by the application |
| log4j.settings.file | ${}/${log4j.file} | the property file that contains the log4j configuration for the application |
| | | the file that lists the tables and columns that should be processed by the PostDataLoadEncryptionStep |
Rice Configuration |
| rice.standalone | false | Whether to configure OLE during the build process to run with an external Rice server instead of an embedded one (the default for development.) |
| rice.url | (dynamic) | The base URL ( http://host:port/context) for the standalone rice server. |
| deploy.local.rice.server | false | Whether to configure the local tomcat server with a Rice standalone instance. Used in conjunction with the |
| | ${appserver.home}/conf/rice-config.xml | Where the Rice server will pull it's configuration information (URLs/DB connections/etc...). This is used to create the file during the build process. The default is a location that Rice naturally searches for configuration information. |
| rice.server.datasource.url | ${datasource.url} | jdbc url for the Rice server components (KEW/KIM/KSB). It will also be used when configuring a local Rice standalone server. |
| rice.ksb.url | ${application.url}/${ksb.application} | the base url for the service bus struts module |
| rice.ksb.http.url.expression | (blank) |
| rice.server.datasource.driver.class | ${datasource.driver.class} | see notes for |
| rice.server.datasource.username | ${datasource.username} | see notes for |
| rice.server.datasource.password | ${datasource.password} | see notes for |
| rice.server.datasource.pool.size | ${datasource.pool.size} | see notes for |
| rice.server.datasource.connection.timeout | ${datasource.connection.timeout} | see notes for |
| rice.server.datasource.validating.query | ${datasource.validating.query} | see notes for |
| | ${}/workflow | the directory where the xml files that define your workflow data should be stored when they are uploaded |
| rice.kew.xml.poll.interval.secs | 30 | the frequency with which workflow checks for new files in the xml directory |
| rice.kew.xml.initial.delay.secs | 60 | the length of time workflow waits to do the first check of the xml directory when the application starts up |
| | false | turn on/off daily workflow notifications |
| | false | turn on/off weekly workflow notifications |
| | 0 0 1 * * ? | the cron expression defining when daily emails will be sent (default to 1AM every day) |
| | 0 0 2 ? * 2 | the cron expression defining when daily emails will be sent (default to 2AM every Monday) |
| | async | determines whether the workflow processes that would normally be performed asynchronously are asynchronous (async) or are synchronous instead (sync) |
| rice.ksb.route.queue.max.retry.attempts | 3 | how many times the service bus will try to send a message when it is encountering an exception that may be due to a resource outage, for example |
| rice.ksb.route.queue.time.increment | 1000 | the length of time the service bus will wait before retrying after each failed attempt to send a message |
| rice.ksb.thread.pool.size | 20 | the number of threads available to process service bus messages, i.e. deal with queued workflow documents |
| rice.ksb.batch.mode | false | Set to true to prevent the application from publishing the services to a master service bus. For use on application configurations that should not receive service calls from other applications. (batch jobs and unit tests) |
| rice.struts.config.files | /kr/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml | the files that define the struts context for the rice struts module |
| rice.kew.struts.config.files | /kew/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml | the files that define the struts context for the workflow struts module |
| rice.ksb.struts.config.files | /ksb/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml | the files that define the struts context for the ksb struts module |
| | false | Specifies whether data can be unmasked in non-production environments. Can be used to prevent access to sensitive data if loaded into a test environment. |
| encryption.key | 7IC64w6ksLU | used by the DemostrationGradeEncryptionService to encrypt / decrypt data in the database |
| keystore.alias | rice |
| keystore.password | r1c3pw | Password used to open the keystore. |
|*.max.size | 3000 | The maximum number of items which can be in one of the KIM memory caches. |
|*.max.age.seconds | (varies) | How long after adding that an item in the cache will be considered invalid. |
| rice.kns.cache.parameter.max.size | 1000 | The maximum number of items in the System parameter cache. |
| rice.kns.cache.parameter.max.age.seconds | 3600 | How long after adding that an item in the cache will be considered invalid. |
| rice.kns.cache.nonDatabaseComponent.max.size | 2000 | The maximum number of items in the cache of non-database components used by the parameter service. |
| rice.kns.cache.nonDatabaseComponent.max.age.seconds | 3600 | How long after adding that an item in the cache will be considered invalid. |
| rice.kns.cache.methodresult.max.size | 1000 | The maximum number of items in the method result cache used for some service calls. |
| rice.kns.cache.methodresult.max.age.seconds | 60 | How long after adding that an item in the cache will be considered invalid. |
| rice.kns.cache.methodresult.nocopy.max.size | 1000 | The maximum number of items in the method result cache used for some service calls. |
| rice.kns.cache.methodresult.nocopy.max.age.seconds | 600 | How long after adding that an item in the cache will be considered invalid. |
| rice.kns.session.document.cache.size | 1000 | Number of session documents which will be kept in memory at one time. Above this, they are purged and reloaded from a persistent database store as needed. |
Logging |
| log4j.file | | the name of the log4j settings file |
| log4j.settings.file | ${}/${log4j.file} | The file the server will look for to configure log4j |
| appenders | INFO, LogFile, StdOut | this property determines what log statements will be printed by default and whether the logs go to the log file or standard out (By default, this one is set dynamically in build.xml) |
| use.p6spy | false | this property can be used to turn on logging of the SQL generated and executed by the application by intercepting the JDBC driver |
| memory.monitor.threshold | .85 | determines when the MemoryMonitor considers the appplication to have exceeded reasonable memory usage (decimal represents percentage of tenured allocation) |
| log4j.reload.minutes | 5 | determines how frequently the logging framework (Log4jConfigurer) will check for changes to |
| periodic.thread.dump | true | turns on a background process which logs the current thread state of the application to disk |
| periodic.thread.dump.seconds | 300 | the number of seconds between dumps |
Batch |
| use.quartz.scheduling | true | determines whether quartz (SchedulerService and scheduleJob) should be used for batch job scheduling and execution - impacts whether the batch scheduling ui works |
| use.quartz.jdbc.jobstore | (dynamic) | This property will be set dynamically by the build script, but you can force it by setting it in your file. |
| batch.schedule.cron.expression | 00 00 23 ? * * | the Quartz cron expression for the scheduleJobTrigger (in KualiSpringBeansOle.xml), i.e. when should the standard batch schedule run |
| batch.mailing.list | (unset) | from email address for mail sent by the batch framework (JobListener and other) |
Spring Configuration |
| core.spring.source.files | org/kuali/ole/sys/spring-sys.xml,\ | the files that define the spring context for the application - note that further configuration files may be specified in the module definitions |
| optional.module.spring.source.files | ,org/kuali/ole/module/ar/spring-ar.xml,\ | the optional files that define the spring context for the application - note that further configuration files may be specified in the module definitions |
| institution.spring.source.files | (blank) | the institution specific files that define the spring context for the application |
| spring.source.files | ${core.spring.source.files}${optional.module.spring.source.files} | all the files that define the spring context for the application |
| core.spring.test.files | org/kuali/ole/sys/spring-sys-test.xml,\ | the core files that are included in the application spring context for unit testing |
| optional.module.spring.test.files | ,org/kuali/ole/module/ar/spring-ar-test.xml,\ |
| institution.spring.test.files | (blank) | the institution specific files that are included in the application spring context for unit testing |
| spring.test.files | ${core.spring.test.files} | all the files that are included in the application spring context for unit testing |
Web Configuration |
| http.session.timeout.minutes | 15 | Value for the <session-timeout> parameter in web.xml. |
| core.struts.config.files | /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml | the core files that define the struts context for the application |
| institution.struts.config.files |
| the institution specific files that define the struts context for the application |
| struts.config.files | ${core.struts.config.files} | all the files that define the struts context for the application |
| core.struts.message.resources | KR-ApplicationResources,\ | the core files containing user messages that will be displayed via struts tags in jsps |
| institution.struts.message.resources | (blank) | the institution specific files containing user messages that will be displayed via struts tags in jsps |
| struts.message.resources | ${core.struts.message.resources}${institution.struts.message.resources} | all the files containing user messages that will be displayed via struts tags in jsps |
| core.rice.struts.message.resources | KR-ApplicationResources,\ | Resources used by the Rice server portion of the framework |
| institution.rice.struts.message.resources | (blank) | the institution specific files containing user messages that will be displayed via struts tags in jsps |
| rice.struts.message.resources | ${core.rice.struts.message.resources} | all the files containing user messages that will be displayed via struts tags in jsps |
| core.jstl.constants.classnames | org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEConstants,\ | the core classes that wrap java constants for jsps and tags (see WebApplicationInitListener) |
| institution.jstl.constants.classnames | (blank) | the institution specific classes that wrap java constants for jsps and tags (see WebApplicationInitListener) |
| jstl.constants.classnames | ${core.jstl.constants.classnames} | all the classes that wrap java constants for jsps and tags (see WebApplicationInitListener) |
| jstl.constants.main.class | org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEConstants | used to determine what class from the above (jstl.constants.classnames) list is bound to the "Constants" name in JSTL |
| core.javascript.files | kr/scripts/core.js,\ | the core javascript files that should be available to every page in the application |
| institution.javascript.files | (blank) | the institution specific javascript files that should be available to every page in the application |
| javascript.files | ${core.javascript.files} | all the javascript files that should be available to every page in the application |
| core.css.files | kr/css/kuali.css,kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/calendar-win2k-1.css | the core css files that should be available to every page in the application |
| institution.css.files |
| the institution specific css files that should be available to every page in the application |
| css.files | ${core.css.files}${institution.css.files} | all the css files that should be available to every page in the application |
| core.portal.javascript.files | kr/scripts/my_common.js | the javascript files that should be available to the portal |
| institution.portal.javascript.files | (blank) |
| portal.javascript.files | ${core.portal.javascript.files} | the javascript files that should be available to the portal |
| core.portal.css.files | css/portal.css | the css files that should be available to the portal |
| institution.portal.css.files | (blank) | the css files that should be available to the portal |
| portal.css.files | ${core.portal.css.files}${institution.portal.css.files} | the css files that should be available to the portal |
CAS Authentication |
| authentication.filter.definition | (see file) | Segment of web.xml that will be injected by the |
| authentication.filter.mappings | (see file) | (see above) |
| deploy.local.cas.server | true | Should the local build process deploy a local CAS server which uses the KIM database for authentication? |
| cas.datasource.username | ${datasource.username} | Database connection information for the KIM database. Needs access to the KRIM_PRNCPL_T table. |
| cas.datasource.password | ${datasource.password} |
| cas.datasource.url | ${datasource.url} | Derived in build.xml depending on the status of the |
| cas.datasource.driver.class | ${datasource.driver.class} | (see above) |
| cas.require.https | false | determines whether cas requires that the application be secured via ssl |
| cas.validate.password | false | determines whether the password field appears on the cas login screen and is validated and controls the appearance of the password field on the user document when |
Mail |
| mail.relay.server |
| determines the SMTP server used by MailService |
| mail.transport.protocol | smtp | If your mail server only accepts SSL connections, change this to "smtps" |
| batch.mailing.list |
| from email address for mail sent by the batch framework (JobListener and other) and to email address for job failure messages |
| incident.mailing.list |
| to/from email address for mail sent by the incident reporting framework (KualiExceptionIncident, etc.) |
Miscellaneous Configuration |
| | (unset) | this property determines whether the build will do a local deployment or package for a deployment on the test node (value does not matter - only tested for existence) |
| is.clustered | false | When true, adds the <distributable /> tag to web.xml. |
| build.environment | dev | this is the kuali and workflow environment |
| production.environment.code | prd | determines what |
| tests.includes | **/* | this property determines what tests are included when the test target is executed |
| |,\ | the core configuration property files that should be available in the KualiConfigurationService context |
| | (blank) | the institution specific configuration property files that should be available in the KualiConfigurationService context |
| property.files | ${} | all the configuration property files that should be available in the KualiConfigurationService context, along with |
| | | the core configuration property files that should be added to the KualiConfigurationService context for unit testing |
| | (blank) | the institution specific configuration property files that should be added to the KualiConfigurationService context for unit testing |
| property.test.files | ${}${} | all the configuration property files that should be added to the KualiConfigurationService context for unit testing |
| institutional.configuration.file | (blank) | to add additional properties to the file that is deployed with the application. It will be tokenized using the same properties available to |
| custom.context.content | (blank) | allows insertion of custom content into the tomcat context file |
| | (unset) | If this variable is set, code from that path will be compiled into the main |
| | (unset) | if this property is set, the build will copy files from this location into the project lib directory and to the server war |
| | (unset) |
| | (unset) |
| | (unset) | Location of another source of web content. If set, it will be overlaid on top of the baseline files in the |