Versions Compared


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  1. SEE SEARCH FEATURES SURVEY/features options
  2. Date of Publication facets-
    1. what groupings/how
    2. 260$c versus control fields 008/07-10
  3. Source of Language code lists- need to document how HTC applied
  4. Framework Approach Options: 
    1. KNS Tx Search
      1. see also: KS code contribution for 2.2 or 2.3- adding combined table lookups (not search, but lookups, allowing AND, OR logic on lookup fields)
    2. SOLR (with JQUERY UI)
      1. Per MS/Rice- we could add our existing UI's to KRAD library....may/may not require some mods since these were dev'd pre-KRAD
    3. KRAD
      1. Based on JQRY (OLE Docstore Search UI is jqry, but not KRAD at present)
      2. Per MS/Rice, KRAD standard operators
        1. AND("&&")
        2. OR("|")
        3. NOT("!")
        4. BETWEEN("..")
        7. BETWEEN_EXCLUSIVE_UPPER2("..<")
        8. BETWEEN_EXCLUSIVE(">..<")
        9. NULL("NULL")
        10. NOT_NULL("!NULL")
        11. LIKE_ONE("?")
        12. LIKE_MANY("*")
        13. LIKE_MANY_P("%")
        14. GREATER_THAN(">")
        15. LESS_THAN("<")
        16. EQUAL("=")
        17. GREATER_THAN_EQUAL(">=")
        18. LESS_THAN_EQUAL("<=")OR("|")
  5. Extend or replace KFS/OLE Custom Doc Searches
  6. Normalization
  7. Edits to Instance Schema, fields?
  8. Authority records: linkages, search, NACO standards
  9. Authority "work-around" 1.0
    1. Marc editor allows any form of name entries
    2. how updating names- manual copy paste from authority?
    3. right now records- some Lname/Fname, some Fname/Lname, bad punctuation etc.
    4. validations on editor, vs tech svc workflows on bibs, overlay/oclc or authority
  10. Call Number Browse (coming in OLE 0.8)
  11. Linked PO or Circ record from Item, and Order/Circ status (coming in OLE 0.8)
  12. Linked License Agreement (electronic journals etc)- in progress
  13. Search filters: Location, Format, Dates, Language, Record/Doc Status, Item Availability status,  TBA
  14. External Linked Data: Authority, or other stores
  15. Saved DocStore Searches (or user preferences)
  16. Wildcard behaviors
  17. Positional Operators
  18. Truncation
  19. Nested Search (more than one operator in same expression)
  20. Field/Marc tagging search
  21. Checkin, Checkout from Search
  22. Rice/KNS upgrades (future): search facets and other enhancements for transactional search
  23. Non-Roman Characters (ie, Chinese, Russian, etc)
  24. Docstore UI Design Components:
    1. Search UI 
    2. Search Fields
    3. Filters
    4. Sorts
    5. Facets
    6. Pagination
    7. Preferences
    8. Search Results UI
    9. Results view options
    10. Record display: brief, expanded, preview