4. What is an "Fspec"?
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Wiki Markup | An F-spec is a "functional specification", or a set of functional library requirements for a specific library process or set of related activities. In OLE, we are isolating our Fspecs per User Story in order to define a small, easily specified set of requirements. {link-window:http://goo.gl/OOWtw|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}User Requirements Template{link-window}{HTMLcomment}requirements.
the functional specification's starting point. (/) Make a copy of this document and save it to your
folder. Begin filling it out, the SME team or Project Team can help you if you get stuck. |
5. What do you include in a Functional Specification?
7. Tools of OLE - KIS, Email, Jira, Google Docs, Calendars and Webex
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Wiki Markup | KISTip: Bookmark your team's KIS page To guarantee access to all OLE materials (Wiki, Jira, Docs, KIS Calendars & Team pages), it is recommended you be logged into [|http://kuali.org/kis/]. * {link-window:http://kuali.org/kis/logins/create|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}Create a KIS account{link-window} * [How to create a KIS account|https://wiki.kuali.org/display/KULFOUND/Create+a+KIS+account] wiki page h6. Kuali Email Everyone in Kuali that has KIS credentials will also have a Kuali email address.
Kuali EmailEveryone in Kuali that has KIS credentials will also have a Kuali email address (_____@kuali.org). You may synch your Kuali with your primary client by using the help center for your specific application. Please note: some scheduling notifications or calendar reminders that originate in your Kuali calendar and may not forward to your primary client. Be aware of this and check your Kuali periodically. Please refer to the {link-window:http://goo.gl/Iwp5u|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}Gmail Help Center{link-window}{HTMLcomment}the
JiraBe sure to log in to Jira using your KIS account. If you know the Jira number, just do a quick search. If you do not know the Jira number, choose Search for Issues from the Issues menu (see image at right). This will allow you to do a simple search using the left side panel. Choose OLE as the project, otherwise you will search all of Kuali.
Google DocsFrom the Kuali Community Google Docs/Drive
Google CalendarPlease refer to the online
tutorials and discussion threads. You may create additional calendars, or access other [ |https://wiki. kuali.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=308314466].Open one of the linked [ |https://wiki.kuali.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=308314466], and click on the \Calendar button in its lower right corner to add it to your "Other Calendars" view. !addGoogleCalendar.jpg|border=1! [OLE:OLE Meeting, Conference Resources & Calendars] has links to several of the OLE calendars. * The OLE Scheduling Calendar is the master schedule for OLE * The OLE Demo Calendar is new - this is to communicate when demos are to occur and also when the demo environment is down. h6. Webex OLE uses Webex for team calls: {link-window:https://kuali-ole.webex.com/|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}Webex Meeting Technology for live video and audio{link-window} We have a limited number of accounts so if you need to set up a meeting, please contact Carla North (+[+cnorth@indiana.edu+|mailto:cnorth@indiana.edu]+) or Nora Roggeveen-Sams (+[+nroggeve@indiana.edu+|mailto:nroggeve@indiana.edu]+). (i) Hosting: If you are the first to join a meeting, you will see the Webex ball beside your name: !webex.png|width=20px! This means you are the host and can share your screen. To pass hosting rights to someone else, simply click and drag the ball to their name. To find out more about connecting and a link to the Webex user's manual, see [OLE:OLE Meeting, Conference Resources & Calendars]. If you are having troubles with Webex, we have created a {link-window:http://goo.gl/2Gxbg|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}Webex Troubleshooting {link-window}page to offer tips and suggestions. {HTMLcomment}OLE Meeting Resources & Calendars has links to several of the OLE calendars.
WebexOLE uses Webex for team calls: Hosting: If you are the first to join a meeting, you will see the Webex ball beside your name: This means you are the host and can share your screen. To pass hosting rights to someone else, simply click and drag the ball to their name. To find out more about connecting and a link to the Webex user's manual, see OLE Meeting Resources & Calendars. If you are having troubles with Webex, we have created a page to offer tips and suggestions.
For more tools used by spec teams, see OLE Tools |
8. What if I do not understand some of the language OLE uses?
10. How do I find out what has been done and what's in the future plans of OLE?
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Wiki Markup | To find out what OLE has already accomplished and what the future plans are, see the [:OLE ]. Links to previous milestone release documentation are available as are scoping documents for future releases. *