S.No. | Component/s | Key | Summary | Priority | Issue Type | Labels | Comments |
1 | Select & Acquire | OLE-5831 | Donor Encumbered Report has no links to POs | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
2 | Deliver | OLE-5928 | No Request Cancelled Notices | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave, SOAS | |
3 | Deliver | OLE-6164 | no way for operator to manually mark an item as lost, bill for replacement | Major | Enhancement (PP) | MustHave | |
34 | Deliver | OLE-6267 | Loan Screen - invalid barcodes needs to provide more info to operator | Major | Enhancement | ||
45 | Describe | OLE-6294 | Extent of Ownership statements not in order | Major | Enhancement | Usability | |
56 | Deliver | OLE-6819 | Cancelling a request should take the operator back to an updated request lookup screen | Major | Enhancement | MustHave | |
67 | Deliver | OLE-6820 | Staff should be able to cancel multiple requests at a time | Major | Enhancement | MustHave | |
78 | Select & Acquire | OLE-6861 | Add Journal Title search to Serials Receiving | Minor | Bug/Defect | Penn | |
89 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7844 | Uploading txt file in non-ANSI format via a Purchase Order Bulk Amendment document causes stack trace | Minor | Bug/Defect | MustHave, SOAS | |
910 | Describe, Select & Acquire, System Integration | OLE-7876 | Exported eHoldings splits into two fields | Minor | Bug/Defect | ERM, MustHave | |
1011 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7917 | Need Option To SUppress PDF Creation During FY Close | Major | Enhancement | MustHave | |
1112 | Deliver, Describe, Select & Acquire | OLE-8394 | OC-88 Parameters added to default Search Workbench values not working | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave, SOAS, xModule | |
1213 | System Integration | OLE-8463 | api service 'cancelRequest' is not working | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave | |
1314 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8477 | Open Quantity problem for PO line items | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
1415 | Describe | OLE-8482 | Some edits to bib records are not being included in the incremental exports | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave, SOAS | |
1516 | Describe, System Integration | OLE-8499 | Saving item deletes and re-inserts item donors with new id values | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
1617 | Describe | OLE-8506 | Call number prefix mapping not working as expected in OLE 2.1 | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave | |
1718 | Deliver | OLE-8543 | Overdue, recalled items with expired requests are not charged overdue fines at recalled rate | Major | Bug/Defect | Drools, MustHave | |
1819 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8582 | Option for Account Summary to be shown in original currency | Major | Enhancement | MustHave, SOAS | |
1920 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8699 | Rethink PO and Invoice Interrelationships | Major | Enhancement | MustHave, SOAS | |
2021 | Describe | OLE-8706 | Item marked staff-only not included in deletes file | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave | |
2122 | Describe | OLE-8772 | Global Edit incident report on 2nd result set | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave | |
2223 | Describe | OLE-8773 | Adding additional search parameters creates incident report | Major | Bug/Defect | MustHave | |
2324 | Deliver | OLE-8810 | If an item has an existing request and is overdue, the current borrower should be blocked from borrowing, renewing, and placing reservations. | Major | Enhancement | MustHave, SOAS | |
2425 | Describe | OLE-8814 | Batch delete failure: | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
2526 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8815 | Saving Invoice before adding line item causes stack trace | Critical | Bug/Defect |