The DCB Service creates virtual patrons using the "PatronRegistrationCreate Version 1" method within the PAPI Service API. Details and request body example can be found here: https://documentation.iii.com/polaris/PAPI/current/PAPIService/PAPIServicePatronRegistrationCreate_v1.htm
Patron Field Usage in DCB Patron Creation
Usage: Specifies the item location ID.
Source: Derived from the items assigned branch ID.
Usage: Stores the original patron's barcode.
Source: Extracted from the original patron's information.
Usage: Stores the UniqueID[0] value, a combination of the local patron ID and agency code.
Source: DCB constructed.
Usage: Specifies the local patron type.
Source: Mapped from the original patron type.
Usage: Generates a unique barcode for the virtual patron.
Formula: Prefix (from configuration) + Original Patron Barcode
Birthday (Required):
Usage: A mandatory field in Polaris.
Value: A fixed date "1999-11-01".
Potential Issues with Patron Search