During Backlog Review / Before Sprint Planning
Ready for Sprint
The following criteria are tested during backlog review.
The story or bug is represented by a Jira issue in the DCB project. Product Owner
The Story issue in the DCB project is linked to (defines) a Feature issue or corresponds to an explicitly defined Statement of Work priority. Product Owner
The Story issue in the DCB project is linked to related issues that may have (or have had) an influence in how the story is implemented. Product Owner
Bug issues must be linked to (is related to) a Story or Scenario issue. Product Owner
The story is negotiable, describing the need rather than the solution. Lead Dev
The story is testable, with clear and measurable criteria. Test Lead
Ready for Sprint Planning?
These criteria are to be met before a sprint candidate is presented for review at Sprint Planning.
Necessary acceptance criteria are defined. Test Lead.
Scenario sub-issues are defined for the Story's related acceptance criteria. Product Owner
Acceptance criteria sufficiently reflect story intent and constraints. Product Owner
When a story meets the above criteria, it is considered to be a ready for Sprint Planning.
During Sprint Planning
Ready for Development?