User roles and restrictions are defined.
User intent is explicit.
Business outcome is clear.
The story clearly articulates the value to the user, or unlocks downstream technical opportunity or reduces future product/development risk.
Essential business rules and constraints are specified.
Workflow / UI expectations or assumptions are stated.
Possible related functionality or behaviour that is out of scope is explicitly define.
The story has been reviewed and accepted by the usergroup.
The story priority has been accepted by the usergroup.
The story or bug is represented by a Jira issue in the DCB project. Product Owner
The Story issue in the DCB project is linked to (defines) a Feature issue or corresponds to an explicitly defined Statement of Work priority. Product Owner
The Story issue in the DCB project is linked to related issues that may have (or have had) an influence in how the story is implemented. Product Owner
Bug issues must be linked to (is related to) a Story or Scenario issue. Product Owner
The story is negotiable, describing the need rather than the solution. Lead Dev
The story is testable, with clear and measurable criteria. Test Lead