S.No. | Component/s | Key | Summary | Priority | Issue Type | Labels | Comments |
1 | Deliver | OLE-6393 | From loan screen, operator should be able to see if a patron has holds waiting for pickup at that circdesk | Minor | Enhancement | ||
2 | Deliver | OLE-7509 | Renewing an item with LOST status does not update item status to LOANED | Major | Enhancement | ||
3 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8891 | Unable to create orders when running New Bib import | Major | Bug/Defect | SOAS | |
4 | Describe | OLE-8900 | New batch - allow use of holdings id and item ids as match points for holdings / eholdings / item overlays | Major | Enhancement | NewBatch | |
5 | Deliver | OLE-8906 | Patron has holds waiting for pickup popup displayed at check out when requested items not yet on hold | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
46 | Deliver | OLE-8907 | Patron search, Active Indicator defaults to "yes" instead of "both" | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
57 | Describe | OLE-8908 | Catalogers lost permission to search when doing Holdings/Items Transfer | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
68 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8910 | New unknown message when approving an invoice submitted by another user | Critical | Bug/Defect |